Friday, August 24, 2012

Hi everyone my name is Mary Beth Rye.

I am a junior here at UNL majoring in Communication Studies and minoring in Business Administration.  I am very excited for this class!  I have not taken very many communications courses but have enjoyed the ones I have.  It will be neat to learn about intercultural communication because someday I hope to go to study abroad in Spain where I could become a fluent spanish speaker.  This will be a great course not just for that goal, but I woud also love to be involved with the international business industry.  More importantly, for my own personal pleasure I hope to be fortunate enough to travel around the world simply for enjoyment.  As you can see there are many reasons taking this course could be beneficial while furthering my degree.  With lots of effort and studying, I aspire to earn a masters in Communication Studies!

I have already had the opportunity to go to France and Rome.  These experiences were absolutely amazing.  It was very interesting to see how much geography makes a difference in behavior.

Below is a picture of me swinging on parts of the Eiffel Tower.  I don't think the French appreciated my American wild side.

As I work towards my undergraduate in Communications, I swim for the UNL swim team and it takes up a good chunk of my time!  It's a good thing this is an online class otherwise all of you would have to bare through my scent of chlorine, damaged undone hair, and the occasional nap.

This is a picture of my team from the Big 10 Championship meet last spring!

Most of my interests include watching crazy Lifetime Movie Network flicks, comedies, listening to all sorts of music, trying to sing--Karaoke is always a good/embarrassing time, trying to dance, and all sorts of shenanigans.

This is a picture of me chasing a chicken on the beach, just an example of some of the shenanigans I get into

As a side note:  I am technologically challenged so this class will be interesting.

This is me on the 4th of July!

Great to meet all of you!


  1. I am so jealous that you have been to France! I would like to go so badly! I am on the track team here at UNL so I know you understand how much time sports take up. Hopefully after my track career is over I will be able to travel abroad more and finally make it to France.

  2. I'm making it my personal goal to comment on each of your posts, my friend. Get stoked.
    Have a nice day :)

  3. It makes me genuinely happy that you swung from the Eiffel Tower that is absolutely hilarious. I hope swimming goes well :)

  4. I'm pretty sure youre in my comm201 class, too. Ha :)

  5. Love the photos! Keep that up in future blogs. I'm a very visually person so I like to not only read but see it as well.

    Don't stress out about the technology. I'm here to help and if I can't figure it out, I'll find someone who can. My biggest piece of advice is to start the assignments early especially the videos. That's been my biggest challenge with putting the class together. It always takes me twice as long as I think it should to record, edit, and post things.
