Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Caps Blog #3 - Stiens

In day to day life we never really stop to realize just how powerful language can be. However, reading through the UNL Haters site made me realize just how much of an impact the words we say can have on others around us. The UNL Haters site exposes people who abuse the power of language. Sure we are all entitled to a freedom of speech but to what extent. I think we need to realize that the freedom of speech is a privilege and that it is not to be abused in ways that can hurt others. Being from another state I remember coming on a college visit here and I remember specifically being told “oh the people of Nebraska are the nicest people you will ever meet”. I have found that there are very nice people here. I have met quite a few but I have also met my fair share of the not so nice people. When asked where I am from I always get a scoff and rude comments about the fact that I am from Missouri. UNL is no different from any other college. There are some really nice people here but there are also some not so nice people as well. I think the UNL Haters site is a great way to bring people down to earth and realize that not everyone here is perfect.
As for making a change about the things people say is nearly impossible. People are going to have their own thoughts and beliefs. That is one thing that makes this world we live in so great. The diversity keeps things interesting. However, one way to help the issue is to be an advocate for the awareness of the problem. Make it known that it is not okay to be disrespectful just because we have freedom of speech. There are ways to express your difference of opinion in positive respectful ways. Another way to help the problem is to make sure the language you use yourself is respectful and not hurtful to anyone you are writing about. It is important to remember that language is a powerful privilege and that we should be careful in the way we use it.


  1. I'm sorry that some people are mean about you being from another state. I don't understand this type of thinking, are people so small minded they can't even look out of Nebraska? I agree with you that changing how hateful people think is nearly impossible, and that we need to create an environment where hateful speech is not tolerated.

  2. I really like that you talked about freedom of speech as a privilege that is often times abused. I completely agree with you. When it comes to social media I don't understand how people think they can get away saying the hurtful messages they say.

    You are right. People are always going to have their own thoughts and beliefs. I think it would be very beneficial to be proactive when it comes to being an advocate for awareness, which is why UNL Haters is a great tumblr account.

    Great blog! -Elizabeth
