Sunday, September 30, 2012

Freeman CAPS Blog:3

I was very happy to see that we could write about the UNL haters blog with this chapter.  I just learned about UNL haters this past week in a class, and immediatley got on twitter to look at what people where posting.  I was shocked with what I saw as soon as I got on.  Most of the tweets that I saw were directed towards the Asian population at UNL.  These post to me are very out of line and dont represent the majority of the students at UNL but it made me think about why this particular group of individuals is being targeted, even though they are students at the universtiy like any American student.  I'm not sure if the posts supposed to be a joke or if they are true thoughts about these individuals either way I feel that these posts are done in very poor taste.

I think that this blog is a GREAT  idea and feel that it should be around forever.  While looking at the blog I couldn't help that notice some of the posts had been deleted by the original poster, I was curious to why they would delete the post if it was something that they felt was ok to originally post, or thought was funny, why did the retweet by UNL haters make these people feel so uncomfortable.  One of the main ideas of twitter is to get retweets, so shouldnt of these individuals been happy that they posted something people where paying attention to? Overall I feel like this is just the first step in fixing a problem that will most likely never be stopped, it is however good to see that someone is willing to try and fix a problem that is very prominate in todays culture.  Overall everybody is going to have haters it's how you respond to them.  I think a great example of this is LeBron James. 


  1. I agree that the UNL haters site is a positive way to fix this major problem in our culture. It is interesting that the people who have made these posts became uncomfortable about their post being retweeted. I think that is exactly what the intentions were of the UNL Haters site. It makes people realize that their posts are more powerful than they realize so they should be careful what they say.

  2. I really agree about how much UNL Haters is causing awareness around campus. I am hoping this movement and prevent future racist and out of line remarks, but only time will tell. I was doing some research and websites like this have been made at other campuses around the United States as well. It is nice to know that it isn't only UNL's campus doing such childish things.

    I don't think there is ever going to be a way to completed stop this kind of "hate" especially with today's technology, but advances can definitely be made and I think UNL Haters is a remarkable start.

    Great blog! - Elizabeth

  3. I'm also thinking about the same thing. Why most of the posts and tweets on UNL Haters are about Asians? Obviously there are a lot of international students in UNL because this university is opened to students from all over the world. As students, we should be grateful as we have this goof opportunity to meet a lot of people from different countries and cultures.
