Friday, September 7, 2012

CAPS #1 Krista Mansfield

     I was thinking the other day how many people make fun of being white.  It's usually in a satirical manner and more often than naught the joke isn't necessarily negative.  Even when making fun of white people most tend to accuse them of being higher class, socioeconomically or socially. 
Still, these stereotypes aren't necessarily harmless.
     For instance, the stereotype that white people don't have rhythm.  It's hard enough to get guys onto the dance floor sometimes.  I've heard a few guys say,  I can't dance,  I'm white!
By reinforcing the negative stereotype they have an excuse not to dance with me,  which is a real shame!  White people dance!

     Another stereotype that I feel affects me is the "Angry White Male" stereotype.  It seems like the baby boomer men learned that when they grow older they should be conservative politically and totally oppose racial quotas, political correctness and affirmative action.  I know a man like this (my grandpa) and he undoubtedly learned it from his father.  I am afraid for my dad!  It seems like as soon a white man thinks he is old he gains the right to be a bigot.  I sure hope that the angry white male stereotype isn't around much longer.

Anyways,  here are my three 'likes' from "stuff white people like"
#72 Study Abroad
It seems like all my friends have gone to study abroad and I want to soon as well!  I think this is an example of a stereotype that is based off of the thinking that white people have money. Though the truth is with a little work, student loans and scholarships many students are able to study abroad. 

#60 Toyota Prius
this was referenced in the video "white people problems"...
"I can't find a decent Prius mechanic, now I have to drive the hummer guzzles gas like the titanic."
Ha-ha, I know three white people that have Priuses.  All white.

#82 Hating Corporations
I thought this was ironic because many white people work for major corporations. Which is probably why they dislike corporations to begin with.  I think we also associate white people with major corporations more than we associate any other race with large businesses.  I don't know why this is and this stereotype was probably around long before I was born!

Another one that I think should be on the list is organic food.  White people love organic food!
In both the videos below organic food is mentioned as being very important.

White People Problems

Clander. (2008, February 22). #72 Studying Abroad. Retrieved from: Stuff White People Like:
Clander. (2008, February 7). #60 Toyota Prius. Retrieved from:
Clander. (2008, March 05). #82 Hating Corporations. Retrieved from:

1 comment:

  1. Moving forward think about how you can bring in more visuals to enhance your points. Also think about how you can engage more with question #3 on the blog prompt, which asks you to connect the specific application to the bigger picture regarding intercultural comm in the world around us.
