Thursday, October 4, 2012

CAPS #3: Ford

Sometimes we like to say to ourselves that "Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt me." But in reality words carry so much weight to them, no matter what way they are used. If someone says something extremely hurtful to you it can really inflict a lot of emotional pain. And if someone says something really nice about you that it can make you have wonderful positive emotions.

When I was introduced to the UNL-Haters blog I was dumbfounded by the amount of hate that was on there. Being from Kansas City I really stood by the saying "There is no place like Nebraska" because I truly believed this was such a unique place and so different from all of the other places I have been. But after seeing the blog that saying has been tarnished for me. The fact that people can say that the things they said on that site really made me wonder what people truly say about me when I may not be around. I like to believe that the people I choose to be around are genuinely caring and invested in our friendship. Many people on the UNL-Haters site don't even really feel that the things they are saying are even wrong, and I think that's what makes the situation even more sad. The things that they said on the site really goes to show how people don't think before they speak (or type in this situation).

But even among all of the hate that is in these post we can use this as a teaching tool to help educate those who put forth such comments on the site. I tend to believe that the reason a lot of people say the things they say in regards to people race, sexual orientation, or gender due to ignorance. So It is up to us who are educated about these topics to help educate those who are ignorant to them. I even believe that some of the people on the site probably posted things just to get on the site. But when we as a society come together to stand up against these injustices then we will be better off. So for all of us blogging about how to make this a better climate on campus we actually need to follow through with the things we say we are going to do if we want to truly see change happen!

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